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you as you are...
We believe in the inside-out approach, i.e. gathering the courage to face the fear which stops us from living life fully. Trusting the inner voice and doing what it takes to be aligned and discover wholeness once again.

We encourage self-inquiry/awareness to the subtle signals that the body-mind tell us which is a valuable radar to understand oneself. Acknowledging the signals of our needs/emotions, accepting ourselves just the way we are and learning to be open and flexible opens the door to lasting transformation. Embracing change and perceiving challenge as an opportunity enables our journey home to the core of our authentic self.
Shhh….listen to the inner melody of consciousness...it nudges every moment, are you noticing ?


Life happens... the roller coaster of events impacts the mental landscape of thinking. We form well-serving belief patterns to meet unmet needs or fulfil goals at a point in time. Often these patterns remain...becoming outdated/ hurtful. To achieve optimal wellbeing one requires being aware, adapting and acting in the current reality.

Often, we slip into auto-pilot modes of thinking and continue the status quo even when our rich emotional waves lash at us with umpteen clues of distress, unhappiness or ill health. They indicate the degree of imbalance, the level of mal alignment from our core.

We learn to distract the mind, stifle the emotional pain and lead quiet lives of desperation and ignorance. And knowingly/ unknowingly, we hold on to rigid, old belief patterns because they have provided us success/security in the past. We may change our peripheral behaviour to fix the distress or change external factors viz. home, city, jobs, even spouse and feel good temporarily. Is this what we truly
© Synergy Holistic 2011